Interesting Links
If your wanting to learn more about edible landscaping, native plants or improving the urban environment, check out some our favorite sites:
If you are interested in urban bee keeping and live in the lower mainland check out Its where we go for all our bee keeping needs and advice.
City Farmer
If your interested in urban agriculture check out this site. City farmers has been encouraging urban agriculture since 1978 though its demonstration garden in Vancouver, BC. and website. City Farmer teaches people how to grow food in the city, compost their waste and take care of their home landscape in an environmentally responsible way. The website links to interesting and inspirational urban farming stories and projects from around the world.
Evergreen is a national not-for-profit that inspires action to green cities. Evergreen helps improve our urban environment by encouraging people and groups to become involved in nurturing nature. Grants are provided for invasive species removal, native plantings and food gardens at schools. If you are looking for advice about greening your part of the city or wanting to participate in one of their community plantings check them out.
Invasive Species Council of British Columbia
This is a great site for any gardener or person passionate about the environment. Invasive species (both plants and other organisms) have a dramatic and negative effect on our society through their effect on the environment and economy. Learn about BC's most invasive plants, how to identify them and what you can do to help prevent their spread.
Urban Homestead
Takes urban farming to the extreme. Check out this site of a small urban farm in Los Angeles on 1/10th of an acre that produces up to 3 tons of food. This site is more than just about urban agriculture, its about urban sustainability – learn how this family lessens their impact on the environment through organic gardening and production of bio diesel and alternative energy. Its amazing how just how self sufficient they have become in an urban environment. A great inspiring site.
If you are interested in urban bee keeping and live in the lower mainland check out Its where we go for all our bee keeping needs and advice.
City Farmer
If your interested in urban agriculture check out this site. City farmers has been encouraging urban agriculture since 1978 though its demonstration garden in Vancouver, BC. and website. City Farmer teaches people how to grow food in the city, compost their waste and take care of their home landscape in an environmentally responsible way. The website links to interesting and inspirational urban farming stories and projects from around the world.
Evergreen is a national not-for-profit that inspires action to green cities. Evergreen helps improve our urban environment by encouraging people and groups to become involved in nurturing nature. Grants are provided for invasive species removal, native plantings and food gardens at schools. If you are looking for advice about greening your part of the city or wanting to participate in one of their community plantings check them out.
Invasive Species Council of British Columbia
This is a great site for any gardener or person passionate about the environment. Invasive species (both plants and other organisms) have a dramatic and negative effect on our society through their effect on the environment and economy. Learn about BC's most invasive plants, how to identify them and what you can do to help prevent their spread.
Urban Homestead
Takes urban farming to the extreme. Check out this site of a small urban farm in Los Angeles on 1/10th of an acre that produces up to 3 tons of food. This site is more than just about urban agriculture, its about urban sustainability – learn how this family lessens their impact on the environment through organic gardening and production of bio diesel and alternative energy. Its amazing how just how self sufficient they have become in an urban environment. A great inspiring site.